Presentations & Publications

Books by Nun Katherine

Find all of Nun Katherine’s books at her Amazon author page here.

Anxiety, Trust, and Gratitude

Transformative Wisdom Series, Volume 4

Anxiety, Trust, and Gratitude is for any reader who desires to confront the angst of our times through living a more intentional life according to biblical precepts. The essays are based on talks presented at the 16th, 18th, and 25th annual conferences of the Fellowship of Saint Moses the Black, a pan-Orthodox, multi-racial ministry. Early Church writers define anxiety as a natural consequence of fallen human nature. Holy Scriptures give us trust and gratitude toward God as the remedy. What holds us back from practicing these essential virtues? How can we overcome the spiritual and psychological stumbling blocks?

Published: 2020

List price: $12.00. Available for purchase here.

Illumining Shame, Anger, and Forgiveness

Transformative Wisdom Series, Volume 3

Illumining Shame, Anger, and Forgiveness examines these intrinsic human experiences through the complementary lenses of biblical faith and modern psychology. How does shame remind us that we have lost Paradise? What does anger have to do with family and social roles? How can we learn to welcome returning “prodigals”?

Published: 2017

List price: $12.00. Available for purchase here.

Race, Identity, and Reconciliation

Transformative Wisdom Series, Volume 2

Race, Identity, and Reconciliation is for anyone who seeks to be part of the conversation on the shifting paradigms of our times. The chapters are expanded from talks presented at the 22nd and 23rd annual conferences of the Brotherhood of Saint Moses the Black.

Different regional views on human value, race, and faith are at the heart of an ongoing national struggle over the identity and direction of the U.S. What insights can the Orthodox Church contribute as an expression of Christianity that was not involved in African slave trade or economy?

Published: 2016

List price: $10.00. Available for purchase here.

Loneliness or Fruitful Longing

Transformative Wisdom Series, Volume 1

Loneliness or Fruitful Longing is for pastors, counselors, and people seeking hope for their own loneliness. It explores loneliness, its causes and its cures. It describes human vulnerability to loneliness from personal, social, and economic perspectives. It describes the impact of loneliness on physical and mental health, suicide, abortion. Finally, the book proposes spiritual approaches to resolve loneliness. Loneliness or Fruitful Longing expands on a talk originally delivered at the 20th annual Ancient Christianity and Afro-American Conference.

Published: 2014

List price: $6.75. Available for purchase here.

Traditions of the Healing Church

Traditions of the Healing Church is written with you in mind if you are: curious about the Orthodox Faith, a catechumen, interested in Eastern vs. Western Christianity, or seeking to share your Orthodox faith with others. It is based on talks presented at conferences of the Fellowship of Saint Moses the Black in Denver and Newark.

Published: 2014

List price: $6.00. Available for purchase here.


Find recordings of Nun Katherine’s liturgical compositions, along with talks and other videos, at her YouTube channel:


Interview with Dr. Herman Middleton: On Loneliness

Interview with Dr. Herman Middleton: Why is Gratitude Important?

Interview with Dr. Herman Middleton: Orthodoxy and Psychotherapy

Racial reconciliation interview with Dn. Adam Roberts

Racial reconciliation interview with Fr. John Chryssavgis

Racial reconciliation interview with Fr. John Chryssavgis